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Detox Foot Pads with Free Shipping within NZ

Detoxification within our bodies occurs on a daily basis. However, modern lifestyles introduce a high amount of unnatural substances into the body. More synthetic food processing, more stress, more pollution. Over a period of time these substances may accumulate and may cause chronic conditions.

Symptoms of chronic illness may start to appear. Symptoms such as frequent colds, feeling sluggish and tired, allergies, poor skin, coated tongue, bad breath, head pain and feeling ill after eating fatty foods.

Detox foot pads can help by removing the toxins that have accumulated over time. By using detox foot pads you may sleep better, feel more energised and help symptoms of chronic illness.

Bits N Bobs provides free shipping on all orders of detox foot pads.

*Detox pads are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. As in all health situations, your doctor should be consulted for any medical condition.



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